Beautiful Life

Hey child up and go; A big world is out there waiting for us to live in every day. Outside you will find, there is love all around you; Takes you, makes you wanna' say; That it's a beautiful life and it's a beautiful world and it's a beautiful time to be here, to be here, to be here. -Fisher

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let it Snow!!!!

Those were my beggin' words around 4:00pm yesterday. We watched as rain......, yes, more rain, came down!  It seemed everyone in the country was getting snow.  And, my kids knew it!  We were getting desperate, y'all.  I was seriously considering piling my 5 kids in the car and heading upstate to find some snow! 

We've done it before and I'd do it again if I had too!  The last time my kids were in snow, Isabel was 7 months old.  We chased it up the interstate to Columbia and then ended up at my sister's house for a few days during Christmas/New Years break in January 2002. 

Isabel was not planning to let this winter get by without so snow on her tongue.  She made sure I knew it too! 

I held out hope in our local weathermen.  Silly, I know.  But, we stayed put for the time being.  Paul chopped firewood.  Lizzie got the T.V. ready to view the opening ceremony of the Olympics.   And low and behold!!!

The rain that turned to sleet about 6:00pm, turned to flakes of snow around 7:00pm!  Isabel ran out like a nutball and you would have thought she'd won the lottery! 

It was just a few flakes.  Enough to dust everything.  But, it kept on coming and I kept on coaxing it to fall.  Fall for hours, please.  Give us inches.  Something these kids can remember.  Something they will talk about for years to come! 

The tasted it and loved it!  And, I knew a dusting was not going to be enough to appease. 

Every kid in our neighborhood was out for hours just to catch the experience.  It's so rare for us!  Even our Lizzie, our inside girl, ventured out away from the warm fire for snow fall! 

They gathered it off the cars as fast as it fell and tried for snowballs.  They were more like iceballs.  But it was thrilling all the same!

And, it kept on coming!

And Falling!

And the children would not come inside.  They were so afraid it would not be there tomorrow if they left it! 

It was beautiful.  And so were the transformers as they lit up the night sky when they blew up all over our neighborhood.  We got the kids in and dried off.  Got them warm by our fire.  And played games all night! 

And, the snow fell!

And fell some more. 

And we loved it.  Every minute of it.  This was the last picture I took before crawling under 6 layers of covers to stay warm for the night!  It was about midnight and still falling! 

Next up?  Our adventures from today.  But, I have to go now.  I've been sitting in Barnes and Noble.  For a while.   Because.....still no power y'all.  And it's been 16  hours!  It was all fine until the snow melted and now no power just seems like a pain!  But, that just goes to show you why we don't have snow in the South!!!

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