Hubby, who is a gun enthusiast, has decided to pass this passion onto our boys. It wasn't hard. Trust me, they were more than willing to receive it! Yesterday, for their 12th birthday, he convinced........more like offered to let them, spend some of their birthday money to buy a used semi-automatic .22 rifle from a friend. The boys were thrilled with their first gun purchase. I have a feeling it won't be the last. They have been itching for this day for some time now. I guess it's like a girl getting her first make-up kit to use.......sorta? I would say that the make-up kit is a little less noisy and violent....but I was a teenager in a house of girls and I know first hand that getting ready in the morning can be like going into combat! My father, an Army man, knew well enough to get out of the house quickly in the morning and stay clear of us! LOL!
In this picture Parker is holding his Dad's .22 bolt action and Noah is holding their new .22. Please note, that though you can not see it, Noah's shirt says "Every great idea I have gets me in trouble". That should tell you something right there! I'm not sure we were ready for this....okay, I was not ready for this....but Dad does keep them unloaded and locked up at all times. Except this afternoon, when they get to go to the Rifle practice.....I feel sorry for those paper targets, because these boys have dead-on aim!
Don't you feel safer now?
Switching gears....on to the subject of knife throwing. That is the other thing they got for their birthday. Yep, throwing knives and tomahawks and a video that teaches you how to throw them! GREAT! Dad's little escapade at the the Renaissance Festival really inspired them. He bested the King's man at hatchet throwing and now the boys want to learn that skill too! I feel sorry for any boy that comes around here looking to court their sisters! LOL! It's okay YoYo, they agree, you are safe. They'll just run off any competition!
*Where, you might ask, do we purchase these throwing knives? At Vision Forum . com, of course. They have a boyhood catalog full of old fashioned boy toys, girlhood toys and Christ centered books and DVDs.*
1 comment:
way to go boys!!!! hey chelsea, next year you will have teenagers!! you have made it thru liz, they will be a breeze!!
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