Beautiful Life

Hey child up and go; A big world is out there waiting for us to live in every day. Outside you will find, there is love all around you; Takes you, makes you wanna' say; That it's a beautiful life and it's a beautiful world and it's a beautiful time to be here, to be here, to be here. -Fisher

Monday, April 27, 2009

Guess where I was yesterday.

Go ahead. Guess! Hint? Okay. It begins with an E and ends with an R! We have twin boys, y'all. We knew this day would come. Our first trip to the ER with one of them....Noah, of course.
Apparently, when you try to ride a Rip Stick up a drive way, it might come out from under you......and you might land on your hand.....and you could break your arm..... just above the wrist....near the growth plate. Who knew?

Being very brave in the Triage office. He has a high threshold for pain or I wouldn't be taking pictures. He didn't even cry when he fell. He just told his brother to go get me. He was upset, when I got to him, but I spoke calmly and he relaxed. I took him in and sat him down and we inspected his arm. He could move all his fingers and his wrist, but it hurt. And it was swelling. I really didn't think it was broken though, because he didn't act like it hurt that much. When the Triage nurse asked him, "on a scale of 1 to 10 where is your pain?", he said at a 3. The nurse said, "no it isn't." He showed him a chart that had facial expressions on it to associate with the pain and he said, "okay, a 6". Like he was picking the one he liked best. He looked at me and gave me the, "Did I do it right?" expression!

Watching a movie while waiting for x-ray.

It's broken! So, for all you mom's out there-broken bones might not cause a lot of pain and don't stop boys from moving. Which leaves you with swelling as an indicator. I'm just sayin'. We got orthopedist was on duty in the ER today.

Noah got his cast and we went on our merry.....ummmm, not-so-merry, way. 4-6 weeks in a cast. At least he'll still have plenty of summer left when it comes off!


Mama S said...

Tell Noah too bad it wasn't his right arm. Then he might have gotten out of school work for a while. I do know how it hurts though - I've been there - at least his will only be 4-6 weeks in a cast. Realy am sorry but boys will be boys. Love ya'll

Meme Shaw

Stephanie said...

I was sure you were gonna say one of the kids broke something on the slip and slide! Sounds better to say the rip stick. hehe Just throw a bread bag over his arm and let him go swimming!

Hezra said...

ahh bummer. poor boy. poor mom. I spent a whole sundaya couple of weeks ago in the Er with my littlest(4) and had x rays, cat scans, and no sign of trouble.(good news but a LONG wait)

Brianna said...

That's my boy! :) Tell Noah I'm proud of him for being so tough. Christian would have been screaming bloody murder even AFTER it stopped hurting. :)

Michelle said...

you left out the part where you made him take a bath before the er because he smelled!! what color cast did he get? get well soon!!!

The Source said...

Hold've got TWELVE year old TWIN BOYS and you've JUST gone to the ER?? Geesh. Want to borrow mine? We've had crushed fingers, stitches, a broken foot, a tooth knocked out and an eyelid glued back together. (And he moved while the doc was gluing so he got his eye glued halfway shut!) Did I mention my kids are clumsy?

I can't believe you made him take a bath! LOL That's a story for the grandkids! Tell Noah we hope it's only 4 weeks in the cast and we're proud that he was so brave!

junglemama said...

What a bummer. Hope the weeks fly by for him. It just wouldn't be summer without swimming.